
spinning out into cyberspace

Pair of Ls

I almost failed the 4th grade.

It’s not a very proud fact, but I mention it here because I think I am turning into 4th-grade Angela. In 4th grade, I was the terrible combination of too-smart-for-my-own-good and bored. I spent all of my time constructing a very complicated house for a paperclip named Clippy, although it was way cooler than that godawful one from Microsoft Word, mainly because it never spoke. I remember that I built a staircase and a bathtub filled with water (complete with taps!) completely out of construction paper, which is pretty impressive. While I was doing this, the rest of the class was learning… something. I’m not really sure, as I wasn’t paying attention at all. Then we got our report cards and I failed English. We were supposed to be writing a short story, but I didn’t turn mine in because a) we were only supposed to write a page, and my story was entirely too complicated to wrap up in that space so b) my teacher told me to redo it but c) she was so focused on other students who needed more help than a little snot who thought she was too good for the assignment that d) she thought she would just make something up at the last minute but e) I never did so f) was the grade I got on my report card. Suffice to say I got in big, big trouble. My teacher had to talk with my parents, my parents were very angry and probably very confused by me. Well (spoiler) I passed the fourth grade and went to a different school that was interesting for about 7 years.

Now it’s year 8 of that school and my English teacher just emailed my parents telling them I’m in danger of failing English this semester. This would actually be a travesty because I would not get to go to university. It’s just…. I am bored. And uninterested. And this blog is becoming my construction paper house for an inanimate object. I just want to go somewhere else where I can be interested and excited by books and challenged by the things I am learning, and not by the tedium of the assignments. So I guess it’s time to write this paper.

Eh, I have 3 more days.

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2 thoughts on “Pair of Ls

  1. You know this is why I have hated English for the past three years. I feel like that is the one class where I should really be able to get a better understand of our world. But every time I want to explore that in a paper, she shuts me down and conforms me to only focus on literary devices….I wanna see where they go!

    Are there snowflakes floating around your blog? Or am I tripping?

  2. No worries. I never judge people for failing anything. I used to, until sophomore year. Now I’ve realized you never know what the hell anyone went through. Fourth grade, psh. Not a problem. We all know you’re a genius, Ange. La. Right.

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